In the list there is our saved games, and you can see the out of sync I was talking about (and also a previous one of 7 players).This is usually caused by incompatible game version or data being used. Recorded game suddenly desyncs at 3:15 with the message Out of sync replaying game.

#Age of empires ii hd out of sync 720p
We are forced to get out of the current game main menu. steps to reproduce the issue: Play Gajah Mada Mission 2, stay in the game for at least 3 and a half minutes. Age of Empires II HD Edition Review This high-definition edition of the classic real-time strategy game adds little more than bugs. very low FPS (no more than 20), tried almost all possible combinations, only solution is to lower resolution from 1440p to 720p for getting 60fps On windows dual boot works fine with almost 100fps with 1440p and ultra settings.Game goes out of sync (why?) and a file is saved.It has happened several times, but last time it was 2 players vs an AI level hard.When we try to restore it (with same players), the file restores it correct, BUT when other players are downloading the file, the civilizations are changed mostly to Britons (always someone is assigned Britons) and right away when the game loads, it finishes with the message “You have been defeated”. Age of Empires II HD Free Download has been re-imagined in high definition with new features, trading cards, improved AI, workshop support, multiplayer, Steamworks integration and more In Age of Empires II: HD Edition, fans of the original game and new players alike will fall in love with the classic Age of Empires II experience. Age of Empires II HD: Update/General Information Thread 4/10/13 Please up vote this so everyone sees it as my previous thread from yesterday is heading off the front of r/aoe2, it is a self post and I get no karma.
If there is an out of Sync, and we are taken out of the game (in a multiplayer game), a restore point is created.